Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country.

— David Hilbert

Volume 1 (2000)
ISSN: 1345-4617

SCIAMVS is an annual journal dedicated to studies of the sources of pre-modern exact sciences—where the notion of modernity is understood to play out differently in different geographical regions.

Founded in the spirit of the scholarship of Otto Neugebauer (1899-1990) and Kiyoshi Yabuuti 薮内清 (1906-2000), SCIAMVS aims to provide a venue for close studies of the sources for ancient and medieval mathematical sciences, from any culture and in any language.

Most papers published in SCIAMVS focus on critical editions and translations of ancient or medieval sources that fall short of being a full monograph. We also publish scholarship that is closely focused on original sources, such as studies of collections of manuscript or tablets, work on diagrams and other visual elements, and analysis of the relationships between various sources.

SCIAMVS is associated with the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics.

SCIAMVS received funding for open access articles relating to work in Islamicate societies, and for printing volumes 23 and 24 from the Chair of the State of Qatar for Islamic Area Studies at Waseda University.

The journal is indexed by the following databasing services: